Sejal Patel-Modi
MSc.PT, BSc.(Hon)

Sejal received both her Bachelor of Science and her Masters in Physical Therapy at Wayne State University and is qualified to practice physiotherapy in Michigan, USA and in Canada. She has experience in spinal cord rehabilitation and in adult out-patient orthopaedic settings. She has worked at SickKids in general Paediatrics and has experience in the areas of cardiorespiratory, neurological and orthopaedic physiotherapy. She currently works in community and school care in York Region. Sejal has her Intermediate NDT Certification and her CME Level I and recently completed a Treatment of the Baby course. Sejal has a teaching status appointment with the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Toronto and is a member in good standing with the College of Physiotherapists in Ontario. Sejal provides home visits in Markham and Stouffville.