Rowena Maclure

BSc.OT, OT Reg.(Ont), OTR
Occupational Therapist
Rowena Maclure Occupational Therapist
Rowena received her Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Toronto in 1984 and has been practising in the field of paediatrics for over 25 years, primarily working in the school system with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). She has experience with children who present with physical and developmental disabilities, as well as sensory processing difficulties. Rowena has attended a wide variety of courses related to visual-perceptual-motor, handwriting and sensory assessments and has experience in addressing multi-faceted challenges which may affecting children’s written productivity and/or independence in activities of daily living. She is an Ontario Assistive Devices Program (ADP) authorizer, and able to prescribe mobility, seating and positioning equipment. Rowena has a teaching status appointment with the University of Toronto and is the on-site OT Fieldwork Placement co-ordinator at the TDSB. She is a member in good standing with the College of Occupational Therapists in Ontairo. Rowena provides therapy at our clinic location and home visits in Toronto.