Julia Glaves
BSc.Kin (Hons)
Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy Assistant

Julia is currently a second-year student in the Masters of Physical Therapy program at the University of Toronto. She has completed her undergraduate degree at McMaster University obtaining a Bachelor of Science Honours in Kinesiology. Julia’s previous experience involves volunteering at a variety of physiotherapy clinics and rehabilitation settings including Holland Bloorview, Kids Physio Group Hamilton, and the Physical Activity Centre of Excellence (PACE) in Hamilton. She completed a 6 week student placement at SickKids Hospital in Spring of 2024 working with children pre&post organ transplant or in the Cardiac Critical Care unit. When not in school or working, Julia loves getting outdoors on a run or bike, exploring Toronto’s parks, reading or cooking. Julia has always had an interest in working with children and this passion has grown since being exposed to diverse children’s rehabilitation settings. Julia is very excited to develop her skills and have fun providing hydrotherapy services at Variety Village.