Alannah Sheridan

MSc.PT, BSc.Kin (Hon)
Alannah Sheridan

Alannah earned her Master of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Toronto, following the completion of a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology at McMaster University. She brings a wealth of experience in treating patients with musculoskeletal conditions, as well as those with neurological and developmental challenges, in both in-patient and private practice settings. Currently, Alannah serves as a physiotherapist in the Orthopaedic Department at The Hospital for Sick Children, where she also works as a Clinical Evaluator in research studies aimed at characterizing childhood neuromuscular diseases and exploring potential therapies for muscle disorders. Alannah is a member in good standing with the Ontario College of Physiotherapists. Alannah provides expert care at our Variety Village clinic and offers home visits throughout East Toronto.


  • TMR Tots and Teens level 1 and 2
  • Assessment and Treatment of the Baby via NDT
  • Treating the Musculoskeletal Consequences of Maturing with a Chronic Health Condition
  • Gait observation and individualized intervention with AFO's
  • Foundational Aquatic Therapy, Paediatric Aquatic Therapy
  • Dynamic Core for Kids
  • Advanced Dynamic Core For Kids: Pelvic Health Edition
  • Physiotherapy Assessment and Treatment in Paediatric Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  • Motor Assessments for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Physiotherapy in Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Maximize Neuroplasticity and Minimize Maladaptive Habits in Children and Teenagers with Cerebral Palsy
  • Beyond 20/20: A therapist's guide for understanding the role of the visual and vestibular system during assessment and treatment
  • Astronaut Training
  • Orthopaedic Physiotherapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy
  • Foundations of Anatomical Acupuncture